EEC Elfata English College satu satunya pengguna Pengajar yang mengedepankan kompetensi tinggi, masih muda,kreatif dan energik. Ditunjang dengan character building individu yang ramah dan peduli akan Out Put lulusan teruji mampu menciptakan proses pembelajar yang inspiratif, menarik dan efektif.


    Elfata English College dengan proses pembelajaran yang interaktif, kreatif dan menarik peserta didik memberikan warna proses pembelajaran yang mampu menciptakan kondisi comfort.


    Outbound menampilkan beberapa permainan yang penuh makna. Dalam permainan skills, peserta didik tidak hanya ditantang berfikir cerdas, juga harus memiliki kepekaan social. Dalam outbound, peserta didik dituntut mengembangkan kemampuan ESQ (emotional Spiritual Qoutient) nya dibanding IQ (Intellegent Qoutient) nya. Metode outbound memungkinkan peserta bersentuhan fisik dengan alam terbuka sebagai medianya. Dari sini, diharapkan terbentuknya karakter dan visi kepemimpinannya yang mengandung nilai-nilai kejujuran, keterbukaan, kepekaan, toleransi, kecerdasan, serta rasa kebersamaan dalam membangun hubungan antar manusia yang serasi dan dinamis.


    English Camp adalah salah satu kegiatan rekreasi terbaik, dan favorit di kalangan peserta didik Elfata. Manfaatnya adalah peserta didik mendapatkan sesuatu yang berbeda dari pengalaman di kelas dengan target terciptanya Lingkungan Berbahasa Inggris. Dari sini, diharapkan, lahirlah kemampuan dan watak serta visi kepemimpinannya yang mengandung nilai-nilai kejujuran, keterbukaan, kepekaan, toleransi, kecerdasan, serta rasa kebersamaan dalam membangun hubungan antar manusia yang serasi dan dinamis.


    Traveling atau melancong memang suatu kegiatan yang sangat menyenangkan. Siapa sih yang tidak suka bepergian ke suatu tempat yang baru, bertemu dengan orang-orang baru apalagi turis dan mungkin kebudayaan yang baru. Menyenangkan sekali, bukan English Traveling ini konsep agar peserta didik berani berkomunikasi langsung dengan turis dan merasakan Atmosfir tinggal dan bersentuhan langsung dengan turis.

Elfata English College. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

10 Besar Lomba Mewarnai Children Tweet 2013

Kailani Arina Mumtaza - TK Muslimat NU 18 Karang Rejo
Alfiyah Fikri Fawwazahra - TK Al Hikmah Masangan
Riska Esti Vinata - TK Muslimat NU 18 Karang Rejo
Alif Ezar Aunillah - TK Al Hikmah Masangan
Aura Syafira Anggraini - TK Muslimat NU 03 Assa'adah Bungah
Donata Farah Nabila - TKM NU Miftahul Ulum Melirang
Arini Saibah - TK Muslimat 14 Al Falah Sembayat
Masyithoh - TK Muslimat NU 18 Karang Rejo
M. Revan Pratama - TK Muslimat NU Sembungan Kidul
Niswah Aulia Ahsanah - TKM NU 41 Hidayatul Mubtadi'in

Rabu, 20 November 2013

Children Tweet 2013 Elfata English College

Dalam rangka memperingati hari sumpah pemuda kemarin, Elfata English College menggelar acara Children Tweet 2013. Ajang lomba celoteh anak berbahasa Inggris, dan lomba mewarnai anak.

Juara-juara Lomba Celoteh Anak:
1. Farah Ayumna Rasyidina - TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 09 Sidayu
2. Hasna Fathina Amini Nourut - TK ABA 08 Melirang
3. Nabila Raisya El Yafi - TK Al Hikmah Masangan
Juara Harapan:
Harapan I Atiqo Minarika - TK Muslimat 30 Nurul Ulum Gumeng
Harapan II Chyntia Wardani Nur Auliyah - TK Al Hikmah Masangan
Harapan III Aqimi Nuhatama - RAM NU 67 Walisongo Abar Abir Bungah

10 Besar Lomba Mewarnai
1. Kailani Arina Mumtaza - TK Muslimat NU 18 Karang Rejo
2. Alfiyah Fikri Fawwazahra - TK Al Hikmah Masangan
3. Riska Esti Vinata - TK Muslimat NU 18 Karang Rejo
4. Alif Ezar Aunillah - TK Al Hikmah Masangan
5. Aura Syafira Anggraini - TK Muslimat NU 03 Assa'adah Bungah
6. Donata Farah Nabila - TKM NU Miftahul Ulum Melirang
7. Arini Saibah - TK Muslimat 14 Al Falah Sembayat
8. Masyithoh - TK Muslimat NU 18 Karang Rejo
9. M. Revan Pratama - TK Muslimat NU Sembungan Kidul
10. Niswah Aulia Ahsanah - TKM NU 41 Hidayatul Mubtadi'in

Mau tahu seru dan lucu-lucunya peserta Children Tweet?
ini nih...
serius mewarnai
Bagus bgt gak sih?
lihat gaya kami!!!
Para committee dan pendukung acara

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

phrasal verb

Apa itu Phrasal Verb?

1. Phrasal Verb adalah verb yang ditambahkan dengan preposisi sehingga mempunyai makna yang berbeda dari arti sebelumnya.
contoh :
I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. run + into = bertemu

He ran away when he was 15. run + away = meninggalkan rumah

2. Beberapa Phrasal verb adalah intransitif. Kalimat intransitif tidak membutuhkan obyek
contoh :
He suddenly showed up. "show up" tidak dapat ditambahkan objek
3. Beberapa phrasal adalah transitif. Kalimat Transitif dapat ditambahkan obyek.
contoh :
I made up the story. "story" adalah objek dari "make up"
4. beberapa phrasal verbs yang transitif dapat dipisahkan. Objeknya diletakkan diantara verb dan preposisinya.
Contoh :
I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car.
She looked the phone number up.
5.Beberapa phrasal verb yang transitif tidak dapat dipisahkan. Objek diletakkan setelah preposisi.
Contoh :
I ran into an old friend yesterday.
They are looking into the problem.
6.Beberapa Phrasal Verb dapat dipisah atau tidak dipisah.
I looked the number up in the phone book.
I looked up the number in the phone book.
7. Hati - hati! Meskipun banyak Phrasal Verb yang objeknya dapat diletakkan baik di antara verb dan preposisi maupun sesudah preposisi, tapi untuk objek yang berupa kata ganti harus diletakkan setelah preposisinya.
Contoh :
I looked the number up in the phone book.
I looked up the number in the phone book.
I looked it up in the phone book. benar
I looked up it in the phone book. salah

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

catch - caught - caught

Present Simple
He catches the train at nine o'clock.
" Dia naik kereta pada jam 9"

 Simple Passive
The ball is caught by the player at first base.
"Bola ditangkap oleh pemain pada base pertama"

Present Continuous
They are catching on slowly
"Mereka sedang mengejar ketinggalan degan lambat"
Present Perfect
He has caught a cold.
"dia masih flu"
Present Perfect Continuous
He will catch on fast.
"Dia akan menyusul dengan cepat"

Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

bring - brought - brought

Bring - Brought - Brought

 " membawa"

example sentences
Present Simple
She often brings friends to work.
"dia sering 'mengajak' temannya ke kantor."

Present Simple Passive
Presents are brought to the reception.
"hadiah-hadiahnya dibawa ke depan"

Present Continuous
Mary is bringing Jack to the party.
"Mary sedang 'mengajak' Jack ke pesta"

Present Perfect
I haven't brought much food today.
"saya tidak membawa banyak makanan hari ini"

Present Perfect Passive
A number of books have already been brought back to the library.
"Beberapa buku telah 'dikembalikan' ke perpustakaan."

Past Simple
Alice brought a new friend to the party.
"Alice telah mengajak teman baru ke pesta"

Past Simple Passive
This contribution was brought by John. 

Future (will)
Janice will bring the dessert.
"Janice akan membawa makanan penutup"

Future (will) passive
The dessert will be brought by Janice.
 "makanan penutup akan dibawa oleh Janice"

additnal knowledge : other meaning for bring
  1. Take something or somebody with oneself somewhere
    "Bring me the box from the other room"; "This brings me to the main point";
    - convey, take
  2. Cause to come into a particular state or condition
    "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point"
  3. Cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
    "bring comments"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area";
    - work, play, wreak, make for
  4. Go or come after and bring or take back
    "Could you bring the wine?";
    - get, convey, fetch
  5. Bring into a different state
    - land
  6. Be accompanied by
    "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?"
  7. Advance or set forth in court
    "bring charges";
    - institute
  8. Provide a particular quality or character
    "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings";
    - lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add
  9. Be sold for a certain price
    "The painting brought $10,000"; "The old print brought in a high price at the auction";
    - fetch, bring in
  10. Attract the attention of
    "The noise and the screaming brought the curious"
  11. Induce or persuade
    "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
  12. bring it on

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

one word one day : become(s) - became - become

Present Simple
She often becomes sad when she watches a film.
"dia sering menjadi sedih ketika dia menonton film"

Past Simple
Alice became angry when she heard the news, yesterday
"Alice menjadi marah ketika dia mendengar berita, kemarin"

Future (will)
We will become friends. I'm sure!
 "Kami akan menjadi teman. Saya yakin!"

Present Perfect
John has become a new person since he left her.
"John telah menjadi orang baru sejak John meningalkan dia (pr)"

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

sleep texting disorder

If you have a smartphone, you may have felt the embarrassment of sending a private message to the wrong person or having autocorrect fail you at just the wrong time.

But some people experience a different kind of messaging mishap, one they may not even remember doing. And no, they're not drunk-dialing.

They're sleep-texting.

While hard data is lacking on this cultural trend, the anecdotal evidence has been mounting over the past few years. Twitter users regularly recount the loopy messages they've sent with the hashtag #sleeptexting. "There are texts sent from my phone at 5am that I do not recall sending," said one tweet. Another said, "I should stop sleeping next to my phone."

Others post Twitpics and Instagram photos showing their bizarre or garbled messages, some of which are more gibberish than actual words. One woman told CNN affiliate WQAD last year that she had a sleep-texting disorder.

Whereas some people might "get up and go get something out of the refrigerator" while in a state of sleep, said Dr. Jim Fulop, the corporate medical director for OhioHealth Sleep Services, others "grab their smartphone, which is right next to them, and they may text or do other things."

The idea of unlocking a smartphone, opening a texting app and then typing something while asleep may sound far-fetched, but the "sleep-texting" term is a little misleading. It's more like "half-asleep" texting, as doctors describe it as a state of rest where a person isn't fully awake.

"It's like your brain is on autopilot," explained Dr. Shelby Harris, director of behavioral sleep medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. "Think about the rate at which people are texting nowadays, and most people sleep right next to (their phones), so if they wake up it's another automatic behavior. ... This is sort of a form of sleepwalking, that's kind of the way that I look at it."

Unlike sleepwalking, which can be dangerous, sleep-texting tends to be a habit that can be easily laughed off.
Here are some other recent examples of sleep texts, as posted on Twitter and Instagram:

Fulop and Harris say younger generations appear to be more susceptible to sleep-texting. For young professionals, sometimes their jobs require them to respond to texts and e-mails late into the night.

And teens, "they're texting constantly," Fulop said. "They feel they can spend the middle of the night communicating with their friends; it's part of their behavior. ... They don't intend to text, but they sleep-text because they wake up confused, they grab (their phone) and they're off mumbling in the text message."

Dr. Elizabeth Dowdell, a professor of pediatric nursing at Villanova University's College of Nursing, heard the same thing as she was researching Internet risk behaviors and the victimization of children and adolescents.

"I think for many adolescents and young adults, technology has provided us another avenue of sleep walking, (or) talking in our sleep. People have answered the phone, the good old-fashioned landline, in their sleep. 

That's not particularly new," Dowdell said. "What we're seeing now is younger people experiencing this."
Adults can typically shrug off sleep-texting with a laugh or an apology, but there could be greater consequences for adolescents. Texting is interrupting their sleep at an age when they need it most, and they could be more vulnerable to thier unintentional oversharing being posted for others to see.

If you're a sleep texter or afraid of becoming one, the easiest and best solutions are the most obvious: Turn off your phone, set your passcode lock or place it on the other side of the room so it's not within easy reach.

this article was taken from CNN.com

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Ten Expressions to give opinions - 10 cara menyatakan pendapat

1.       It's common knowledge that...  
       (semua orang tahu bahwa...)
2.       It's a fact (that).. 
       (berdasarkan fakta bahwa....)

3.       Anyone will tell you..
       (semua orang berkata...)
4.       Everybody knows that...
       (semua orang tahu bahwa...)
5.       It's a well-established fact that
       ( telah menjadi fakta yang ditetapkan bahwa...)

6.       Few people would deny that..
        ( sedikit orang akan menyangkal bahwa...)

7.       It's no secret that...
       (bukan rahasia umum lagi bahwa....)

8.       I think we can all accept / agree that..
       (saya rasa kita semua setuju bahwa...)
9.       It is generally assumed that...
        (Secara umum diasumsikan bahwa...)

10.    It has been scientifically proven that...
        (hal ini sudah dibuktikan secara ilmiah bahwa...)
How To Use These Phrases In Your English
1.       In phrases 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 the speaker is introducing ideas that everybody agrees are true.

        Pada Frase 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 si pembicara mengungkapkan ide yang kebenarannya sudah diketahui banyak orang.

2.       The other 5 phrases are a little less strong, saying that a few people might disagree, but nearly everybody does agree with your statement.

        (5 frase yang lain sedikit kurang kuat. dikatakan bahwa ada sedikit orang yang tidak setuju, tapi sebagian besar lainnya setuju.)

3.       Phrases 1, 5, 6 and 10 are good opening phrases for a discursive essay. You can use one of these phrases to establish the importance of the topic before introducing an aspect of the topic that is not agreed.

       Frase 1, 5, 6, dan 10 baik digunakan sebagai awalan untuk menjelaskan suatu masalah secara logis. Anda dapat menggunakan salah satu frase ini untuk menetapkan pentingnya topik sebelum topik itu disetujui atau disepakati..

4.       Phrases 3, 4, 7 and 8 are often used in spoken discussions or debates.

        Frase 3, 4, 7 dan 8 biasanya digunakan dalam diskusi atau debat.

5.       Phrase 10 is saying that somebody has done an experiment that proves your statement to be true. If using this in writing you may want to refer specifically to scientist or the experiment itself in your next sentence.

        mengatakan bahwa seseorang telah melakukan percobaan yang membuktikan pernyataan anda. Jika menggunakan ini dalam menulis Anda mungkin ingin merujuk secara khusus untuk ilmuwan atau percobaan itu sendiri dalam kalimat berikutnya.